Category Archives: Posts in English

Why we love robots writing content (and you should, too!)

Do you like the headline to this article? Yes? Well thank you! No? Don’t blame me, because I actually didn’t write it, Hubspot’s robotic blog topic generator did it for me. While that service is mostly for fun, there are other robotic content services that are really useful and can create full articles in no time.

A 15-year-old me doing robot work

A good 15 years ago I worked extra as a sports editor at a local TV station. 95 percent of the content consisted of a Power Point slide with texts rolling over and over again (great, huh?). My job was to write game recaps, mostly about ice hockey and handball.

Unfortunately, the local tv station was not local at all to me, which meant that I couldn’t watch most of the games that I was supposed to write about. All I could do was to look at the results and statistics from the games and base my texts on that.

If one team shot a lot of pucks at the net without scoring, I would write: “The goaltender was put under a lot of pressure and turned out to be one of the MVPs of the evening by keeping the team in the game with some great saves.”

If one of the stars scored a goal, I could write: “Mr X continued his fine scoring streak. His reliability in front of the net will be a great weapon in the coming games against top opponents Team A and Team B.”

So why am I telling this story? Well, because this exact thing (writing articles based on data) is now being done by robots, but 100 times faster and more accurately. It’s called robot journalism, or robotic content, and works best with data-rich stories such as finance stories, sports stories and breaking news.

5 examples of robot journalism

Photos grabbed from
Photos grabbed from

1. Automated sport stories

So I guess the first example has to be this – the service that would have made me unemployed had it been in place 15 years ago. is a network of sport sites with statistical comparisons, visualizations, and articles – all automated by robotic content. Here’s the game recap from the 2015 Super Bowl final.

2. A robot writes 1,000 stories/month for AP

The most famous example of robotic writing is the Associated Press (AP) that has automatised their articles from companies’ earnings reports. The company Automated Insights has created an algorithm that transforms raw earnings data into a publishable AP story in a fraction of a second.  AP can now produce 4,400 quarterly earnings stories, compared with only 300 such stories using their human journalists. The result is completely comparable with the work of a human. Take a look at this Q1 report from Apple and judge for yourself.

Auto-generated story by AP's robot
Auto-generated story by AP’s robot

3. 10,000 Wikipedia articles per day

The swedish science teacher Sverker Johansson has created a computer program called Lsjbot that has written a total of 2.7 million articles (and counting). His contributions account for 8.5 percent of the articles on Wikipedia.

4. Narrative Google Analytics reports

The company Narrative Science provides a service that brings out statistics from your Google Analytics and creates a much easier read.

Nice looking report automatically created from Google Analytics numbers.
Nice looking report automatically created from Google Analytics numbers.

5. Automated earthquake articles

The Los Angeles Times has created a robot writer called Quakebot that can write a full article, complete with a map of the location, within minutes after the outburst, like this one for example.

Nice looking earthquake article there, robot.
Nice looking earthquake article there, robot.

Exciting future

I don’t need a robot to figure out that we’ve only seen the start of these type of services. I’ll leave you with a quote from Automated Insights’ year in review blog post:

“2015 will also be the year that we redefine the possibilities of automated content”

I’m all ears.

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7 things in marketing that Forbes claims are dead but clearly aren’t

ForbesI really dislike people claiming that a specific type of marketing (or a product) is “dead” when it clearly isn’t, just to make some kind of point or drive clicks. Perhaps the worst player on the field is Forbes with a whopping number of 1,465 articles with the phrase “is dead” in it.

Sure, some of them are valid, such as the one about Osama bin Laden and Africa’s last polar bear being dead, but many of them are either clickbait or just stupid, perhaps both.

Below are 7 things in marketing that clearly AREN’T dead, even though Forbes claims so.

Personal branding is dead (sic)

The argument: LinkedIn Premium has killed personal branding since recruiters can contact any of your LinkedIn connections, which means that you can’t cherry-pick your references the way you used to.

The truth: Personal branding is more important than ever. LinkedIn users are getting increasingly aware of their profile and more active online. Influencer marketing is on the rise, recruiters look for people with a strong personal brand and large network and social selling is on the rise. I don’t see any signs of personal branding becoming less important in the future.

The corporate website is dead (sic)

The argument: Number of visitors are decreasing, the customer journey happens mainly elsewhere and that the most traffic is concentrated to 10% of the pages on the website.

The truth: It’s far from dead. In fact, one could argue that because of the increasingly fragmented communication map, the corporate website is more important than ever as a place for a company to give their own view on things.

I’ve dissected this in a separate blog post called The corporate website is far from dead – no matter what Coca Cola say

User-generated content is dead (sic)

The argument: Media companies, brands, educational institutions and publishers are all creating high quality video that is better than the video produced by amateurs.

The truth: Us “amateurs” produce more content than ever and we trust people we know more than media and companies. We also tend to move from massmedia to smaller niched online networks and groups online. Instagram has turned everyone to master photographers, Facebook has given a voice to everyone, WordPress has allowed anyone to create a professional looking blog or website in no-time and hundreds of online tools have enabled us to be creative with the content we create. User-generated content is here to stay.

The mobile browser is dead (sic)

The argument: Only 14% among mobile usage by US consumers take place in a browser, the rest is in apps.

The truth: Ok, I have to admit that this post was pretty interesting and there are some valid points here. Among apps, gaming apps are most used, followed by Facebook. But one fact remains; 14% still use mobile browsers which means it’s not dead. And it’s easy to come to the wrong conclusions from the stats, such as that companies should prioritise apps before websites.

A good advice is to make your content as adaptive as possible using good clean code, clear and distinct design and well-formatted content with subheadlines and short paragraphs. By doing that, your content has a good chance to look good when consumed on other platforms than the browser.

The CMO is dead (sic)

The argument: Marketing is too fuzzy and the CMO should be replaced by a CCO (Chief Customer Office) instead.

The truth: Come on, marketing has been around for ages and will continue to be so. Marketing is adapting to new times and so will the CMO. Bringing on a CCO is a good idea since happy customers is one of the most effective marketing methods, but someone needs to own the marketing as a whole. And while Forbes has doomed the CMO, they continue to arrange CMO events until the alleged end…

The PC is dead (sic)

The argument: Smart, highly mobile devices will replace the PC.

The truth: According to Business Insider there are about 1.5 billion PCs in use globally in 2013. Even though the number of smartphones has surpassed the number of PCs in the world, the PC is far from dead.

Facebook is dead to teens (sic)

The argument: Teenagers have left Facebook and move towards sites like Snapchat and Twitter. Facebook is not just on the slide, it is basically dead and buried. Mostly teenagers feel embarrassed even to be associated with it.

The truth: 94% of online-using teenagers has a Facebook profile. Not dead.

So there you have it. Obviously, Forbes is using clickbait tactics to get more people to read their content, but they should ask themselves what it’s doing to their credibility.

Posted in Posts in English | 1 Comment

My best corporate communications articles in 2014

A part of my job as content strategist at the digital agency Comprend is to write articles and other editorial content for our website. I’ve selected my three favorites from this year.

1. Five of the most creative job resumes – how did they do it?

Interactive game-like resume made is by Graphic Designer Robby Leonardi
Interactive game-like resume made is by Graphic Designer Robby Leonardi

This piece started out as a discussion on our forum for internal discussions – Yammer. A few of us discussed Swedish student Siri Andersson who started a very clever viral campaign to apply for a job which caused great pr for her (she would later be hired by our sister agency Springtime).

I started googling and reached out with a few questions to what I believed to be the world’s best and smartest job seeking campaigns. I was really happy to see that the answers started dropping in pretty quick. Fun article to write and hopefully to read as well!

2. Corporate history in a modern way

Jose Cuervo’s website as it could have looked 1880.
Jose Cuervo’s website as it could have looked 1880.

I’ve wanted to write this articles for a long time but didn’t find the time and lust to do it. I’ve been interested in the power of history marketing since I read the book History Marketing by Alexander Schug (exists only in Swedish and German). Storytelling fits great with corporate history, but unfortunely too few companies spend enough time on this. In the article I’ve found some really creative examples that I hope can inspire others.

3. How do you hire and keep the change-makers?

Tommie Cau, expert on talent communication at Comprend
Tommie Cau, expert on talent communication at Comprend

This November I had the chance to visit Sime HR Summit that was lead by my colleague Tommie Cau. The summit included speakers from Google, Evernote,, Nespresso and Teracom Boxer Group among others, so the roster was impressive. It was a truly great experience, better than I’d expected. I learned a lot and the article turned out good as well, I think.

Posted in Content, Digital communication, Posts in English | 2 Comments

Five key reasons why people share content online

Getting a like is nice, a comment even better, but a share is the jackpot of user integration. A share allows me as a writer to tap in to a whole new network of people that might consume and interact with my content. A new research study from The New York Times digs in to the psychology behind the share.


New York Times has a group called The New York Times Customer Insight Group, and the study is conducted from both quantitive and qualitive research. Let’s move on to the good stuff.

Top five reasons to share content online

  1. To bring valuable and entertaining content to others.
    49% say sharing allows them to inform others of products they care about and potentially change opinions or encourage action
  2. To define ourselves to others.
    68% share to give people a better sense of who they are and what they care about
  3. To grow and nourish our relationships.
    78% share information online because it lets them stay connected to people they may not otherwise stay in touch with
  4. Self-fulfillment.
    69% share information because it allows them to feel more involved in the world
  5. To get the word out about causes or brands.
    84% share because it is a way to support causes or issues they care about

So what to do with this information? Well, New York Times has an answer to that as well. They give this advice on how to get more shares.

5 key factors to influence sharing

  • Appeal to consumers’ motivation to connect with each other —not just with your brand
  • Trust is the cost of entry for getting shared
  • Keep it simple… and it will get shared… and it won’t get muddled
  • Appeal to their sense of humor
  • Embrace a sense of urgency
Posted in Content, Posts in English | 1 Comment

The corporate website is far from dead – no matter what Coca Cola say

On November 11, 2013, Coca Cola said that the corporate website is dead. Even though Coca Cola had no evidence to back up such a drastic statement, there where quite few questions asked and the myth of the corporate website’s death seems to live on. So let’s kill this myth now and move on, here’s why.

First of all, Coca Cola doesn’t even believe it. Sure, they’ve spiced up their website with storytelling created by a huge editorial team and a different navigation, but with a look under the hood you’ll find the same content that you’d expect to find on any corporate website. Look at their investor relation pages and their pages for governance & ethics or sustainability. Nice design and good content, but still a pretty classic corporate website, with all the stuff that corporate stakeholders expect to find there. Not much new and not dead at all.

Part of the Coca Cola corporate website. Ordinary, standard and not dead.
Part of the Coca Cola corporate website. Ordinary, standard and not dead.

But what about the stakeholders, are they leaving the corporate websites to die? Content marketing thought leader Michael Brenner, previously at SAP, now at a content agency is perhaps the biggest player when it comes to dooming the corporate website. His text about the death of the corporate website is the most read article on this subject and has been posted on his own blog B2B Marketing Insider, LinkedIn and even Forbes. He has also been tweeting out links to them regularly for almost a year.

Proofs that don’t hold…

Brenner’s “proofs” of the corporate website’s death are that number of visitors are decreasing, the customer journey happens mainly elsewhere and that the most traffic is concentrated to 10% of the pages on the website.

Sure, numbers of visitors decrease because people have more places to find information on nowadays. The average FT100 company has 320 different social media accounts (Source: Nexgate) and produce more and more content outside the corporate website, to be where customers are. But that doesn’t mean that the corporate website as a hub for corporate information is dead. Corporate communication has just become more fragmented.

And it’s very natural for a website to have an uneven balance of traffic. Obviously a career front page will be more visited than an anti-corruption policy, but they both have an important place to fill.

…and proofs that do

Julie Schwartz, Senior VP of Research & Thought Leadership at marketing insights company ITSMA writes this as a comment to the original post from Brenner:

“We recently did a survey of over 400 buyers of high ticket technology-based solutions and found that the #1 online source of information is technology solution provider websites. Only 4% said that they rarely visit solution provider websites.”

Common proofs of the importance of the corporate website can also be found in Webranking by Comprend, Europe’s leading survey of corporate websites and the only global ranking that is based on stakeholder demands. In Comprend’s research, the vast majority of corporate stakeholders (journalists, job seekers, investors, general public, government etc.) say that their first stop for company information is the corporate website, followed by Wikipedia.

The corporate website is not dying so let’s evolve it instead

I’m all for evolving corporate websites to better meet stakeholders demands and not publish content that noone wants just because ”we’ve always had that information there”. That’s what I try to do every day at work as a corporate content strategist.

But to claim that the corporate website is dead is either simple click bait or plain ignorance. Let’s hope for the former.

Disclaimer: I work as a content strategist at digital agency Comprend that is mentioned in the text.

Posted in Content, Digital communication, Posts in English | 3 Comments

Add WhatsApp next to your other social sharing buttons

The popular chat app WhatsApp and other chat apps have become a big source of traffic for many websites. Some of them, such as Buzzfeed and the Spanish football team Valencia FC, have even added a WhatsApp sharing button, with great results.

“Every time we looked at WhatsApp’s numbers, it blew us away,” said BuzzFeed president Jon Steinberg. “We knew last April this was a huge social network and have become increasingly obsessed with it.”

Valencia FC has added a WhatsApp button to their news stories and their stats show that the number of shares via WhatsApp outnumbers Facebook, Twitter and Google+.

The greatest thing with people sharing a link from your website via WhatsApp is that the link is very likely to get clicked on. When someone you know sends a link to you, it’s pretty rude not to click on it and read, right? This is confirmed by stats from Valencia FC showing what share of the traffic the shared links generated: Facebook 27%, WhatsApp 48%, Twitter 22%, Google+ 3%.

This is how it looks when you share from WhatsApp:



…but don’t forget to do your homework first

It’s important to find out what chat app is the most popular in your country. Valencia FC choose WhatsApp since 62 percent of spanish mobile users use WhatsApp. In other countries apps such as Snapchat or Kik can be a better choice.

Share of mobile internet users in selected countries who are active WhatsApp users as of 2nd quarter 2014

Statistic: Share of mobile internet users in selected countries who are active WhatsApp users as of 2nd quarter 2014 | Statista

Main source to this post:

Posted in Content, Digital communication, Posts in English | 1 Comment

Jesus’ Ten Commandments for content marketing

One of the greatest storytellers and communicators that have ever lived is probably Jesus Christ. What can we, as communicators in the 21st century, learn from what Jesus has done for his organization – Christianity? I have pinpointed ten ways of applying Jesus’ ways of communicating to your current content marketing efforts.’

1. Storytelling

Jesus was first and foremost a great storyteller. The Bible is full of exciting stories that  storytellingpeople love to hear about and to share. By telling great stories, Jesus was able to get his audience attention and engagement and use them to get his points across.

Every company and brand should have its own set of stories that can be told in different ways. Generally speaking, the stories do not have to be created or forced; they already exist and are being told by employees. It’s up to the communication and marketing team to take care of these stories or give the employees the necessary communication tools to tell them.

2. Imagery

Christianity has an extensive use of imagery to support the messages, such as stars, doves, anchors, icons, crosses, angels, candles, gold and people holding hands. A consistent use of imagery increasingly important when companies use more and more different channels to communicate.

3. Tailored messages

Jesus knew how to tailor his messages to different target groups. He could tell long intriguing stories about burning bushes and the creation of the world, but also short (140 characters or less) one-liners such as “Love thy next” and “Trust in God; trust also in me”.

True effective content marketing needs to be shared in many different communication channels and therefore it’s important to tailor your messages to make the most out of every channel. Pictures create most engagement on Facebook, Twitter messages need to be short and crisp, while a magazine article is text heavy but in need of a good symbiosis between text and photos.

Jesus' digital presence if he lived today
Jesus’ digital presence if he lived today

4. Consistent language

Jesus was a great public speaker and his tone of voice can is consistent with the language used in The Bible. He is well-articulated, bombastic and uses a lot of metaphors. A company’s general tone of voice needs to be stated in the communication plan and used consistently in all channels.

However, it’s important to understand that it’s recommended to use a different tone of voice in different channels and to be aware of that all content providers, whether they like it or not, will add their own flavours to the content.

5. User generated content

The words of Jesus have been told all over the world for more than 2,000 years and part of the reason is the way his predecessor and followers have packaged his messages. Psalms, Lord’s Prayer, Christian rock bands, words of wisdoms, the Ten Commandments and all the great stories told in The Bible are all very shareable friendly types of content. Also, Jesus actively encouraged people to spread his word.

6. Thought leadership

One of the great possible wins of using content marketing is the possibility to become a thought leader within certain subjects related to your brand or company. Jesus and Christianity is by many considered as thought leaders in areas such as family, morale and values. Every brand or company needs to think of what subject or field they can take a thought leading role in.

7. Communication themes

Arguably, Jesus built his communication around ten clear themes called the Ten Commandments. By doing this, he was able to maintain a common thread and also have a framework to base his communication efforts on. In companies, these themes is mostly found in the communication plan and should be developed to strengthen the connection to sales. It’s important for all communicators in an organization to be fully aware of these themes, regardless if the communication channel is Facebook or an annual report.

8. Brand ambassadors

All brands want ambassadors that tell their messages with a higher credibility than the brand itself has. Jesus’ stories are being told by ambassadors all over the world such as celebrities, priests, evangelists, world leaders and, of course, his own twelve disciples.

Brand ambassadors can be either paid or voluntary and while paid ambassadors such as celebrity endorsement can be effective, great content marketing will create loyal brand ambassadors that can help spreading the content.

9. Editorial hub

Spreading the word in many different channel is essential for content marketing, but it’s equally important to have one primary place, a hub, where most content is aggregated and reachable. Jesus’ followers knows that The Bible is his primary channel for communication, while the corporate website is most companies’ editorial hub.

10. Call to actions

Jesus knew what he wanted his content to achieve and often guided his audience towards this. He said “follow me and you will get/become/achieve this”. Content marketing without call to actions is just content, it’s vital for a communicator to always know how the content is supposed to affect the audience and what they should do after consuming it. Examples of call to actions is subscribing to a newsletter or newsfeed, downloading a whitepaper, watching a video or applying to a job


So there they are, Jesus’ Ten Commandments for content marketing. Follow all of them and you will be on your way to creating great engaging content that will form thought leadership, brand awareness and an engaged audience.

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